Compass Pointe - Estherville
To Motivate, Challenge, and Support Healthy Choices For a Lifetime Through Prevention and Treatment.
Compass Pointe formally known as Northwest Iowa Alcoholism & Drug Treatment Unit, Inc. has been providing substance abuse treatment services to the residents of Northwest Iowa since 1969. Prevention services have been offered since 1982. From a one room office in Spencer, Iowa, we have expanded to nine offices covering the counties of Buena Vista, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Lyon, O'Brien, Osceola, Palo Alto, Sioux, and Kossuth.
Compass Pointe
115 N 6th St
Estherville IA 51334
Tel: 712 362-2252
Fax: 712 362-2252
Outpatient substance abuse counseling includes education regarding alcohol and drug problems. We offer three levels of treatment: Intensive Outpatient, Extended Outpatient, and Continuing Care. Treatment is delivered though individual, family, and group counseling. Addressed are major developmental, lifestyle, attitudinal, and behavioral issues.
NEXUS is a grant-funded program begun in 1996 to provide substance abuse treatment to eligible women clients as well as additional services to clients and their children.
Gambling prevention and treatment services are available to area residents. Our goal is to encourage healthy life choices and reduce the risk of problems associated with pathological or problem gambling. This comprehensive program includes community and family education and awareness, crisis call response, and individualized treatment.
Kinship is a grant funded program through NWIADTU, running from 2006 to 2011. Emmet County Kinship is a private, non-profit, community based youth mentoring program established to match children in Emmet County with positive, adult role models (mentors). For additional information please contact Emmet County Kinship, 712-362-2828.
