St. Gregory Retreat Center
Alcohol Treatment Center | Residential Drug Treatment Center | Addiction Recovery Programs
Other alcohol treatment centers view addiction as a disease - Discover our unique drug addiction recovery program, the most advanced non-12 step rehabilitation model in the nation. Superior completion rate.
Saint Gregory Retreat Center
5857 Fleur Dr
Des Moines IA 50315
Tel: 515 287-4058; 866 749-8180
The Life Process Model - Found Only at St. Gregory Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center
Has your search for the right alternative to 12-step drug rehab or alcohol treatment been confusing? Call Now!
The Life Process Model is a nationally accredited, 8-week residential drug treatment program that offers an alternative to 12-step drug rehab and alcoholism treatment programs. Unlike traditional alcohol and drug addiction recovery programs, you now have a choice for permanent recovery from drug or and alcohol abuse without a lifetime of AA/NA meetings and relapse!
What's different about the Life Process Model?
The Life Process Model integrates state-of-the-art behavioral modification, cognitive learning, life skills exercises and health wellness to facilitate change. The Life Process Model© has utilized the latest techniques based on the most current scientific research. Each day at St Gregory Retreat Center allocates class, events and activities to delivering this life changing experience. The Life Process Model integrates these 4 essential components:
* The Life Process Program, was developed in 1991 by pioneering psychologist Dr. Stanton Peele. Dr. Peele was one of the first researchers to identify and develop a non-disease model for addiction recovery. This is why the St. Gregory's residential drug treatment center is different. The key to reversing the dependency cycle is to provide the tools necessary for an individual to learn new life skills and behavior modification utilizing state-of-the art Cognitive Behavior Training (CBT). Today, as Dr. Peele says, "The Life Process Program has become the most advanced addiction recovery program in the U.S."
* Life Process Pursuits focus on the experiential learning necessary to change. Life Process Pursuits teaches through daily seminars, activities and community service how each individual can gain satisfaction with life naturally and normally, without artificial substances. This is accomplished daily through class room, social, physical and volunteer activities while attending St Gregory's drug and alcohol treatment centers.
* Life Process Wellness program integrates the latest in nutrition, sports physiology and life style, all managed by the exclusive Mayo Clinic Embody Health Portal. The Life Process Wellness program also includes a daily neutraceutical program designed to provide vitamins, nutrients and anti-oxidants to aid in balancing and detoxifying the body. In addition, the health wellness plan is extended for 12 months after clients return home, as part of their Life Process Plan.
* Life Process Plan maps out the new life skills learned at St Gregory's drug and alcohol treatment center into an individualized weekly roadmap for the next 12 months after returning home. A Graduate Mentor works remotely on a weekly schedule with each graduate to ensure they have the support and encouragement necessary to be successful. Implementing this Life Process Plan is where the "real-life" process model takes over.
* Proprietary. The Life Process Model is available exclusively at the St. Gregory Retreat Center.
* Cost Effective. Thousands less than medical addiction recovery programs.
* Research. The most advanced addiction-prevention program now available in the U.S.
* Permanent Recovery. You do not have an incurable disease; you have a dependency that has been brought on by your choices. Since they are your choices, you control them.
The Life Process Model© shows you how to touch base with your values and inventory your resources and assets - the positive things you come with. This is accomplished through behavior modification training, life-skills exercises, Cognitive Behavior Training (CBT) and health wellness education - all of which are exclusive to St Gregory Retreat Center.
Read our Frequently Asked Questions or speak with one of our caring staff members who can answer your questions about our alternative residential drug treatment centers and addiction recovery programs to help you decide on the next steps. The St. Gregory Retreat Center is unlike conventional drug and alcohol treatment centers or alcoholism treatment programs that require attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings (AA Meetings), and Narcotics Anonymous Meetings (NA Meetings). Instead, the Life Process Model provides an alternative for recovery which is a permanent solution to substance abuse.
