Clearview Recovery
Substance Abuse Treatment for Women, Pregnant Women, and Women with Children

Our Mission

Clearview Recovery, Inc. strives to be identified as a premier provider of client-driven substance abuse services for women, pregnant women and women with children. We are committed to empowering and treating all clients in an individualized, effective and responsible manner. Through embracing values of trust, empathy and respect, we will continually provide services based on client and community needs.

Clearview Recovery
501 N Sherman St
Prairie City IA 50228
Tel: 515 994-3562
Fax: 515 994-3564

Clearview provides gender specific programming that is best-practice and out-come based. Some of the specific components of the program include;
* Assertiveness Training
* Parenting
* Anger management
* Awareness of Co-occurring Issues
* Education
* Health
* Case Management

Tranquil setting with private interior courtyards.
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